DC Völgarr the Viking


349 kr

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Regionsfri Europeisk

Game Language

Box and manual language


DC Völgarr the Viking
Spel till Sega Dreamcast

DC Volgarr the Viking specifikationer:
* Utgivet av Pixel Heart.
* Limiterad till 3000 exemplar globalt.
* Innehåller box, manual och spelskiva.
* Innehåller certifikat med äkthetsintyg som en del av den begränsade utgåvan.
* Nytt och inplastat.

Mark PixelHeart
Platform Dreamcast PAL
Release year 2019
Editor JoshProd
Studio Crazy Viking
Type Action, Platformer
Game languages EN
Manual language DE, EN, ES, FR, IT
Packaging PAL Version
Number of copies limited to 3000 Copies

Remember when games were tough? Return to the Golden Age of arcades with an all-NEW hardcore action experience that pulls no punches! Völgarr the Viking possesses all the hallmarks of the true classics – simple controls, high challenge, and meticulous design – combined with hand-made pixel animation, an epic soundtrack, and buckets of blood. Flex your gaming muscles and step into the arena with Völgarr the Viking. We dare you.

This is a produced on MIL-CD media (like all professional Dreamcast indie games) and might not be compatible with some Dreamcast consoles built after November 2000. Please check the manufacture date on the label on the bottom of your console before.
This product is not officially licensed, approved or endorsed by Sega Corporation.


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