AES Ganryu (Pixel Heart Engelska)


3 495 kr

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Regionsfri Engelska (Europeisk / Amerikansk)

Game Language

Box and manual language


AES Ganryu (Pixel Heart Engelska)
Spel till SNK Neo Geo AES

AES Ganryu (Pixel Heart Engelska) specifikationer:
* Utgivet av Pixel Heart.
* Limiterad till 300 exemplar globalt.
* Innehåller box, manual och AES Kassett.
* Boxen är av den senare Snaplock-typen och har ”PixelHeart” graverat i sig under där kassetten ligger. Snaplock-boxen levereras i en transparent skyddsbox i plast och den ligger i sin tur i en snygg ytterkartong av papp. Riktigt fin paketering med andra ord.
* Innehåller certifikat med äkthetsintyg som en del av den begränsade utgåvan.
* Nytt och förseglat.

Mark PixelHeart
Platform Neo Geo AES
Player(s) 1-2
Release year 2021
Editor PixelHeart
Studio Visco
Type Action, Platformer
Game languages EN, JA
Manual language EN
Packaging US Version
Number of copies limited to 300 Copies

After defeating Kojiro, his lifelong enemy, Musashi decided to join his beloved in Kyoto. However, the city is attacked by ninjas of unknown origin and have kidnapped Otsu and Musashi and/or Suzume are searching for him. Become a master martial arts ninja and defeat an army of ninjas who will get in your way. Your course will be full of obstacles but you can count on your grappling hook, kunai and special powers to achieve your goals. You can also browse the game with a friend on the same screen.

Licensed by Pixelheart since 2020.

New PixelHeart Limited Edition.
Limited edition printing: 300 numbered* copies + Certificate of authenticity Official PixelHeart game.

(*The numbers are random and it is not possible to reserve a specific number)

The game box and US cover are the same size as a classic SNK box. Our AES boxes are stamped PixelHeart.

The game is sold in a crystal case (plastic box).
Contents of the edition:
– A Manual under baggy 
(protective plastic)
– The AES game cartridge
– A certificate
(The game cover is stamped on the back, with a special VISCO/PixelHeart stamp)



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