SWITCH Golden Force


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Regionsfri Europeisk

Game Language

Box and manual language


SWITCH Golden Force
Spel till Nintendo Switch

SWITCH Golden Force specifikationer:
* Utgivet av Pixel Heart.
* Limiterad till 20000 exemplar globalt.
* Innehåller box och spelkassett.
* Innehåller certifikat med äkthetsintyg som en del av den begränsade utgåvan.
* Nytt och förseglat.

Mark PixelHeart
Platform Nintendo Switch
Release year 2021
Editor Just For Games, PixelHeart
Studio Storybird
Type Action, Platformer
Game languages EN
Packaging EUR Version
Number of copies limited to 20000 Copies

The King of Demons sets his sights on Muscle Island, a peaceful paradise where life is good and all is well. Yet this evil monster sends in his army and attacks the populace with the help of his Wasting their last coins in the island’s taverns, mercenaries from the powerful Golden Force enjoy their last moments of vacation when they receive a new contract: defeat this evil threat in order to win back the Gold Mountain now in the Demon King’s possession.
Where there’s gold and a promise of great battles,count on the Golden Force to save your skin!

– 4 worlds full of challenges.
– 4 playable characters.
– Tons of secret and obscured challenges for hardcore gamers.
– Created with Old-School style difficulty.
– Play solo or with a friend in 2 player co-op mode on one system.
– Truly fearful “bosses”.



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