DC Ganryu


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Regionsfri Europeisk

Game Language

Box and manual language


DC Ganryu
Spel till Sega Dreamcast

DC Ganryu specifikationer:
* Utgivet av Pixel Heart.
* Innehåller box, manual och spelskiva.
* Nytt och inplastat.

Mark PixelHeart
Platform Dreamcast PAL
Release year 2017
Editor JoshProd
Studio Visco
Type Action, Platformer
Game languages EN
Manual language EN
Packaging PAL Version

Musashi arrives on Dreamcast!
After defeating Kojiro, his forever enemy, Musashi decides to join his beloved in Kyoto. However, the city is attacked by ninjas of unknown origin and have taken Otsu and Musashi and / or Suzume go in search of him. Become a master ninja in martial arts and defeat an army of ninjas that will get in your way. Your course will be full of obstacles but you can count on your grappling hook, kunai and special powers to achieve your goals. You can also browse the game with a friend on the same screen.

This is a produced on MIL-CD media (like all professional Dreamcast indie games) and might not be compatible with some Dreamcast consoles built after November 2000. Please check the manufacture date on the label on the bottom of your console before.
This product is not officially licensed, approved or endorsed by Sega Corporation.


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